5 Ways to Support Your Employee Right Now During the Omicron Surge

Employers and Leaders, this is a critical time to check in with your parent community. We can not ignore the daycare closures, long-distance learning at schools, and or family member requirements to quarantine. This is more than a company email; it is showing up differently and meeting the employee community where they are currently at.

Five things you can do right now.

1) Address the realities of the impact of Omicron

2) Schedule team meetings to review the impact and assess project goals.

3) Support - Listen to your teams, review concerns, and create a plan to address the needs of the business and the needs of your team members.

4) Review and reassess out-of-office or email signature messages to reflect response times when Omicron impacts an employee, whether that is quarantine, long-distance learning school-age kids, or daycare closures.

5) Limit meetings to the middle of the day (10:00 am - 2:00 pm) and or days of the week.

This is an opportunity to show up for your employees in a different way than you potentially did last year. While anxiety is high, let's reframe what the workplace should represent, a supportive environment during a season of hard.

Kimberly DidriksonComment